Thursday, March 18, 2010

The New Way of Advertising

So I was watching the news (after having to remember how to turn the tv on) and saw a cool story about a guy who started a facebook campaign. Granted, it was the product of a night with his buddies, but he wanted to get SNL to have Betty White host one Saturday night. Over half a million fans later, he got what he wanted: Betty White is hosting an episode of SNL in May.

So what does this tell us about advertising? We all know that the internet has changed the landscape of so many things (Popups, what?). And we writers can definately use it to our advantage. Here's my plan:

I've posted the prologue of Moonstone on our Facebook page. Come, read, and comment. Then share it with your friends and family. Have them join up. With your help, we can create a fanbase to present to the agents that we're approaching and show them that Moonstone is, and will be, a hit!

So come here, sign up, and let us know what you think! =D I promise, I'll love you forever!!



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lucky Agent Contest!!

Lucky Agent has a new contest available for all you paranormal romance writers!! Make sure that you go and check it out here:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Upcoming Events! here's what's coming down the pike for the Cynthia Gael crew!! We've taken our month off, worked on submitting numerous short stories for your reading pleasure, and now, we're back at it. Ready and willing to take on the world and all that it has to offer!!

For those of you who are interested, we'll be teaching a class at the forums on Coffeetime Romance!! Here's the link as well as the description. Now, I expect to have a full class, so be sure you sign up, and come on in!

April 2010-K.G. McAbee/Cynthia Witherspoon Setting the Scene

Each word on the page should be used to draw the reader deeper into the story. Setting each scene, from the background to symbolism, is a crucial part of what grabs the readers and keeps them. Learn the importance of setting the scene and using active and accurate descriptors to make the world of your characters come alive.

Join us as we show you how to make your fantasy world a reality!

- Is alliteration a good thing?

- How much background is too much background?

- Can cutting back on description be a bad thing?

See you there!!

